Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Its been nearly a month now since my last update…for all those concerned ..my phone is fine ……. lol

Well quite a bit has happened ,not quite sure whether I will get this in the right order but will try as best I can.

My mum suffered 3 strokes over the last Bank Holiday weekend (Sunday) in May within 3 hours. Some kind of bloodclot on the brain. Spent a good few hours aklong with my sister in to see her that week. Eventually she has recovered from no use to back to the level she was before of movement and use of her body from the neck down. She still manages to recover but takes longer and longer each time. She’s a fighter I’ll give her that. She has no recollection of the Sunday and lost that day comepletely but now seems to be up to speed.
I have assumed the role of my father when it comes to re-potting and watering of her plants in her room.Its been over 6 months now since his death and I still don’t feel I have properly grieved.

Been watching the series Gavin & Stacey on BBC3 which finished on Sunday.
Very ,v
ery funny program but a few serious points that came to light hit home hard. Watched it on playback last night and began openly sobbing on my own at the scene where Staceys uncle produced a letter from her dead father in the car ,on the way to the church, that he had asked to be given to her on her wedding day. I know, only fiction but really hit home for me.. a letter from beyond the grave on such a special day.

My daughter Eleanor(Ellie) has moved up in her riding classes. (Sundays rather than Saturdays) She is now back to going every week rather than fortnightly as she now seems to be getting more from the lessons. She needs pushing sometimes and despite a private lesson also and falling off (while slowing down on a corner while cantering without stirrups ,got straight back on although a little shaken... so proud of her) she appears to be making great strides again in her riding ability.

Also for people than know my previous affinity with gardening (mine in particular despite its enormous size (not!!)) I have attacked the front and the back of my abode.
I have been seen at garden centres buying soil and bedding plants….weed killer and “feed and seed” for my grass etc.

Even sneaked out of B&Q with a brand new rake…heavens forbid and the purchase of a brand new hover mower.
The small frontage has now been fully created with an emaculate strip of grass(to the envy of my neighbours, totally weedless and lush green) and the flower border is now fully planted up and awaiting the rush of colour in a month of two.
The back however is still in its development stage and being treated as a long term project rather than an overnight fix.

Has been cleared of foliage and lawn cut and treated to “weed and seed” which has produced many a black or bald patch where the weeds or mosses had previously taken hold.
Next stage will be decided as to whether I can save the lawn and get it to the standard of the front or excavate and build a patio. Going for the

Hope all my mates , buddies, pals , muckers and chums out there feel suitably updated …I will do my bestest not to ignore my ramblings too much but hey it is the summer and there is some great weather to be had out there!!!!

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