Monday, May 14, 2007

NEW Phone ALERT!!!

I have a new phone. I have had it just over week now.
Now phones,as a norm ,do not impress me that much but this little baby has blown me away.

The Sony Ericsson 850i.

Not only a fab 3G phone but a decent still/video camera and to top it all the most impressive MP3 player.

I now no longer require an abundance of cds in my car as this gadget (via another gadget) can play through my car stereo. Additional memory cards allows an endless catalogue available to me at all times and at a fraction of the space of cds.

My life will never be the same again, as people that know me know that I can never have enough music on my person to listen to at any time.

WOW is all I can say...this is the phone that has if they could just design one to do the cooking,cleaning,washing up and ironing I feel my life could be complete!!!!
No need for a separate i-pod or blue tooth for the car as it interrupts the music on an incoming call and plays the caller through the in-car stereo speakers and am easily heard talking back at them through the built-in good is that?
And the bonus is that this was a free upgrade for me.
Got one for my daughter too so the request for an i-pod has now subsided and she appears more than happy with her latest acquisition also.
I recommend this phone to Everyone !!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo Chaz,

That's freaky, I just got the same phone, also a free upgrade. I do like it but I am a bit worried about the slide bit. They tend to fall to pieces when I use them... OK< gotta go, am at Heathrow going to Indonesia. Cya, Elmer.