Sunday, March 16, 2008

This blog is now officially driving me mad.
I do update it and publish it and then within an hour the entry disappears.
This month has gone kind of fast so far in a slow way.

Although I am quickly approaching my 42nd birthday I was hoping for a little permanent romance in my life this year. Is there a handbook I am missing that comes with a woman.No two are exactly the same and it seems they all have issues that need dealing with or they are just not 100% sure about things.
Live a little I say..its a shame that they don't agree.......

Not much happening on the weight front as far as I can see physically but the scales are still seeing the losses.Other people are still noticing so must be going ok?

Attended my longterm friend Nigels 60th Birthday suprise party last night.
He is a great bloke and his family are too.
From his wife "Fred" real name Chris to his son Simon (who I went to school with) and (his daughter) Tracy who I once shared a house with, all great people !!!!!!
Memories of aggravating Tracy on a Saturday morning turning the tv over from Swap Shop to whatever else was on as soon as her mum left the room make me chuckle. Cruel I know but isnt that what older brothers and his mates are for?
A special mention to Portsmouth Football Clubs recent achievements.
Pompey have their best chance of winning the FA Cup in my lifetime. The heartbreak of 1992 being 4 minutes form Wembley in the first game at Highbury and then losing the replay at Villa Park cruelly on penalties to the then,mighty Liverpool all came flooding back to me. The club,the manager Mr Rednapp and the oh so loyal fanactical supporters all deserve to win something. Everything crossed here for the semi-final next month.Play Up Pompey!!!!!!!

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