Attended the Billy Connolly "Too Old To Die Young" tour last night at the BIC.
What a night!!!
Two hours of not stop (yes ,no interval as per the ticket) flowing classic comedy moments from the Scottish genius who is “The Big Yin”. The usual up and downers to the toilets fortunately were no where near myself so my evening had no interruptions during performance on that score.

How Mr Connolly can flit from one story to another going off on such tangentle (is that a word?) stories so far off the current beaten track and always managing to return to exactly to the same thread as he left the original story is something to behold.
Topics as diverse as terrorism,airport escalator walkways,little old ladies,practical

Everyone was sat on the edge of their seats awaiting his next pearl of wisdom,whether it be something we all wish we had said or thought of, or a reminising of a story from the past all are delivered with the same fuhrer and comedy timing as the last.
“Don’t say “Go away”........ just say “ F**K OFF!! “...practice it at home “ said Billy.
Oh and how I could have easily have used that “in yer face” expletive on leaving the venue. Why do people who have just struggled with the crowd shuffling to leave get outside and then decide that the pain of leaving wasn’t enough and want to go back in against the stampeding outward flow?
Using my height advantage I saw’em coming and made myself as big as I could blocking their re-entry(at least 5 or 6 of them). A little bit of under breath muttering and using me as a

I should have just drawn myself up and bellowed “ F**K OFF!” as per Billys advice ,think that would have worked alot better.
Unfortunately the same people in life who laughed off their seats when Billy suggested using it on a regular basis in life as sometimes that is the only phrase people truly understand and take notice of,probably wouldn’t have found it quite so funny if applied to them!
Jimmy Carr this Friday...can’t wait!!!

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