Monday, April 23, 2007

Ok,I will try to update and be as concise and informative as I can for events over these past two weeks.

I had the misfortune of hearing of and attending the funeral of my 60 year old cousin Sue. Retired mid March and attended “Tea At The Ritz”,”We Will Rock You” and then her all time favourite in concert “Michael Ball” in concert.
Next day whilst having lunch with my auntie and uncle (her mother and father) and her younger sister, died in the pub(Seized heart valve).
Got to meet members of the family I had not seen in years but under better circumstances obviously would have been preferable.

Went again to see Ricky Gervais(The King Of Comedy) at Pompey Guildhall (5th Row this time so even better). The man is a comedy genius and just so naturally funny.

Attended a Meeting through work in Doncaster staying at “The Old Rectory” apparently the boyhood home of Sir Douglas Bader. A very lovely place with a lot of history attached. And if I have ever had a more charming and hospitable manager and his wife at this kind of hostelry then I have no recollect of it.
Ever need to stay in the area it comes highly recommended by me.

Another repeat visit also to go see the superb Paolo Nutini Sunday 22nd April (this time in Swindon) including a new cover of “I’m The King Of The Swingers” strangely enough the younger members of the audience not knowing the song lyrics unlike the olduns He came on in what I can only described as seemingly worse for wear state but after an initial song warm up where he stated he couldn’t hear in his earpiece properly ,hence the slight stumbling he proceeded to deliver a wonderful rendition of songs old and new.

A new habit I have attained is buying a daily paper as I have out of habit for many years and then stockpiling them to read at a subsequent convenient time. I may have to change my habits as a 10 day backlog recently occurred which kind of defeats the object of buying a daily paper. May have to switch to the headlines on the tv only ….does this mean that age is creeping up on me and giving me a warning sign?

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